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    Volumina is a non-profit cultural association launched in the year 2000

    Volumina is a non-profit cultural association launched in the year 2000, with the aim of realizing high profile artistic and technological events, focusing on interactive exhibitions and complex art-editorial projects, involving great artists of our time and young creative talent. Under the artistic Supervision of Peter Greenaway, honourary president of the association, Volumina has since then created precious and exclusive artbooks published in a limited edition, often in conjunction with a website and a specially conceived exhibition or an installation. The first artbook Tulse Luper in Turin by Peter Greenaway, was launched at the Mole Antonelliana of Turin on May 2002 along with the exhibition 92 Drawings of the Mole. In the same year, in July, Volumina produced the video installation Schermi di luce by Italian videoartist Alessandro Amaducci.
    The second artbook, signed again by Greenaway, Tulse Luper in Venice, was presented at the 61st Venice Film Festival in September 2004, together with the film The Tulse Luper Suitcases and the exhibition Drawings of Water. The following year, the objet d'art Red Cars by the Canadian film director David Cronenberg was presented at the same Venice Film Festival. In the meanwhile, from 2005, Volumina has managed the activities of the italian Archive of Independent Cinema.
    Volumina then worked for three years on the multimedia installation Peopling the Palaces by Greenaway at the Royal Palace of Venaria, on the outskirts of Turin, which opened on October 2007. The installation will last three years, until 2010. In the same year, Volumina published the valuable book object Dear Sandra by film director and artist Atom Egoyan.
    On May 2008, Sublime, the photo-book by British composer Michael Nyman, was launched at the Turin Book Fair together with the photo-exhibition in Reggio Emilia and in London. In October 2008, Volumina realized Chromosomes, the first exhibition by Cronenberg at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, in collaboration with the Rome Film Festival. In November, the exhibition Drawings of the Mole was set at the Palazzo Bricherasio of Turin along with the performance Mole by the Meter: all drawings of the Mole, printed on a 35 metre-long rolls of paper

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